Monday, March 06, 2006

What Fantasy Creature Are you?

Obviously My Imagination Runs wild...
You are a pheonix.You are wise, powerful, and beautiful. People look up to you in all issues, relying on your advice. Make sure to think before you speak, as your words effect people's very lives.
(I want to be an Elf! Sob...sob...)
Go here to see what you are: Durza Darkshade


Pamk said...

Dang I'm an elf. That is way cool

jennyowl said...

I'm an elf.

Monica M. Martin said...

Pam and Jenny, you beautiful things! Kerry, you and I are on the weirder side. (lol)

Anonymous said...

I went there & i'am a ELF.Wow & i did not know!!!!!

Monica M. Martin said...

Aw, another cute sensual elf. Thanks for dropping in, D.

Cynthya said...

That was fun. I'm an elf, too (I wish!) I don't think of elves as being shy and reading books, though. LOL

Anonymous said...

You are an elf.
You are the most beautiful creature in the world. You are perfect, immortal, intelligent, and downright sexy. You have a firey, exotic personality and are well liked by everyone. Your only vice is your lack of discipline when it comes to self-exposure.

Monica M. Martin said...

You are the most beautiful of the fantasy creatures, Amy. So cool, huh?

Monica M. Martin said...

Cynthya, what's not to like? I'm a burning bird, now that's not sexy. :(

Monica M. Martin said...

Hey Cynthya, I can picture an Elf reading, too. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I love these quizzes! This one is way off though. I'm so not a Phoenix lol.


Monica M. Martin said...

Hi Maria :) So do I. *g* Aw, come on, someone else has to join me. A burning bird isn’t soooo bad...